Daily Activity (English Version) #3 " Served the American Latin Menu "

     After two days preparations, today we already sold our product to students or lecturers of Tourism Polytechnic of Makassar, we also shared free coupons to 10 first followers of our study program's instagram account. The previous day, we were told by lecturer who was in-charge that at 08.00 we should prepared all ingredients, tools and packaging that we used in Show Kitchen, because at 10.00 we've been started our sales procces.

Mise En Place the American Latin Menu

       Before open, first my friend and I were wrote the menus that we sold on the chalk board for display in front of the Kitchen, the purpose to interest the students and lecturers to bought our menu.

Menu of American Latin

     For the package we sold Rp. 25.000, while Pastel de Queijo, Coxinhas and Quindim we sold for Rp. 5.000/2 pieces. Besides that, we also sold the Ice Lemon Tea for Rp. 5.000 and customer could got 2 pieces of Pastel de Queijo for free. Not all menus could we sold per-item, because we adjusted to the amount of our portion.

The Example of Package Menu

Pastel de Queijo & Coxinhas


Lomo Saltado

Pique a lo Macho


     While sales procces, we divided the task to handled each sections. And I got deep fried section to fried the Pastel de Queijo, Coxinhas and French Fries for Lomo Saltado. 

Deep Fried Section

Made the order
     Started from open until closed, the sales procces was runned well. After that, we cleaned our worked area and continued with lunch together. And at 18.35 we back to our home.


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