Daily Activity (English Version) #23 " Evaluation Of The 1st Trial (Cashew Yoghurt) "

     After left the yoghurt for 20 hours, this morning I was saw the result. For me the Cashew Yoghurt that I've made was aproppriate with I want. To found out more about the characteristics of yoghurt, I distributed the questionnaires to kitchen lecturers and some of my friends to given the evaluations and comments in terms of taste, smell, texture, color, and appearance. My lecturers said that my yoghurt wasn't aproppriate with the characteristics of yoghurt in general. Besides that, my friends also has the different opinions, some said the taste wasn't sour because the fermentation wasn't long, but also some of them said the taste was very acidic because the fermentation processed was too long.

After 20 Hours Fermentation

The Result of Cashew Yoghurt

     Based on the results of the questionnaires, I should find the right comparison for each ingredients to produce the desired yoghurt, and pay attention the time I need for fermentation process, whether it needs to decrease or add. So I've to do the 2nd trial on the next week.


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